Commodity Weather
Does your organization rely on weather insight for your market outlook? Chesapeake Analytics will keep your company ahead of the storm.
Weather-centric Trading Solutions
World Climate Service is a web-based tool providing the best science available enabling industry meteorologists to improve their forecasts for weeks to months ahead. This leading-edge service is used by trading desks to manage risk with customers, including many of the largest energy utilities in the U.S. and Europe.
CropProphet™ is a web-based service delivering the industry's most accurate operational crop yield and production forecasts for the U.S. This innovative statistical forecast system provides a complete solution based on high-resolution weather inputs combined with satellite data & field level surveys – updated daily.
We can tell you why you should work with Chesapeake Analytics. However, we would rather have our clients explains why we’re the company that brings your business and analytics together.
“The best investment is in the tools of one's own trade.” ― Benjamin Franklin